Selected teaching activities
"Qualitative Interviewforschung (Qualitative interview research)", postgraduate course, Kiel University, 2024-2025
"Internationale Ordnungen (International orders)", undergraduate course, Kiel University, 2024-2025
"Fußball und globale Politik (Football and global politics)", postgraduate course, Kiel University, 2024-2025
"Friedens- und Konfliktforschung (Peace and conflict research)", undergraduate course, Kiel University, 2024-2025
"Regionalismus jenseits der EU (Regionalism beyond the EU)", undergraduate course, Kiel University, 2024
"Global governance: Grenzüberschreitendes Regieren (governing across boundaries)", undergraduate course, Kiel University, 2024
"Forschungsseminar: Populismus und Autoritarismus in den Internationalen Beziehungen (Research seminar: Populism and authoritarianism in International Relations", postgraduate course, Kiel University, 2024
"Internationale Politik in der postliberalen Welt (International Politics in the Postliberal World)", lecture series, Kiel University, 2024
"Global Security and Democracy" Postgraduate course, University of Gothenburg, School of Global Studies, 2023-2024.
"Methods in Global Studies" Undergraduate course, University of Gothenburg, School of Global Studies, 2023-2024.
"Regional and Global Governance" Undergraduate course, University of Gothenburg, School of Global Studies, 2022-2023.
"Introduction to International Relations" Undergraduate course, University of Gothenburg, School of Global Studies, 2022-2023.
"Global Studies: Key Concepts" Undergraduate course, University of Gothenburg, School of Global Studies, 2020-2022.
"The International Institutions of the Asia-Pacific" Postgraduate course, University of Würzburg, Institute of Political Science and Sociology, 2017.