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KS by Gunnar Jönsson2_edited.jpg

I am an Associate Professor in International Relations. My research explores patterns of conflict and cooperation in different world regions. Global politics is changing, and many different political actors want a seat at the table: established and emerging, powerful and poor, national, regional and global. My work asks whether they can come together to address transboundary problems. What different ideas and approaches do they bring to the table? How do they navigate their differences? I explore these questions with a focus on Africa, Europe and Southeast Asia.


Populism and the EU

"Fears that the European project will implode ... overplay the populist challenge. At the same time, the liberal core of the EU (if such a thing exists) needs to be careful when building bridges."


Populism in world politics

Populists have risen to power in many states around the world. Many observers fear that this trend could lead to a breakdown in international collaboration on pressing global issues like pandemic management, climate change etc. My research investigates the foreign policies of populist state leaders, asking under what conditions they are willing to engage in multilateral institutions and how this affects the future of international order.


Regional cooperation and the transformation of national sovereignty

Academics and politicians often promote regional cooperation as a way for states to address important development challenges. However, the willingness of governments to cooperate varies greatly across different policy fields. The TRANSFORM project seeks to understand these divergences by studying how state elites connect ideas about national sovereignty to initiatives for regional cooperation on communicable diseases, natural disasters and transboundary river resources.

Global-regional security cooperation

International security governance is increasingly shaped by complex cooperation between the United Nations and regional organizations. However, global and regional actors may have very different ideas about what constitutes appropriate approaches to peacekeeping, humanitarian aid and other security issues. The project analyzes and compares UN security cooperation with different regional actors, focusing on the sources and consequences of different legitimacy understandings at the intersection of global and regional governance.


Regional Organizations in International Society

My book analyzes arguments about fundamental international norms and how they shaped the development of regional organizations in Southeast Asia and Europe.

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